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შავი კატაედგარ ალან პოThe Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe Online reading... |
წითელი სიკვდილის ნიღაბი ედგარ პოThe Masque of the Red Death Edgar Allan Poe Online reading... |
Swan Song Robert R. McCammon ზომა: 1.3 mb On the edge of a barren Kansas landscape, an ex-wrestler called Black Frankenstein hears the cry..."Protect the Child!"---In the wasteland of New York City, a bag lady clutches a strange glass ring and feels magic coursing through her---Within an Idaho mountain, a survivalist compound lies in ruins, and a young boy learns how to kill. |
Biss zum Morgengrauen Stephanie Meyer ზომა: 1,7 mb ენა: გერმანული Eigentlich ist Isabella Swan nur ungern nach Forks zurückgekommen. In der verregneten US-Kleinstadt scheint nur selten die Sonne, das Leben ist langweilig -- und der Ort steht eigentlich für eine Zeit, die sie hinter sich zu lassen gehofft hatte. Aus Forks war ihre Mutter mit ihr als Säugling ins geliebte Phoenix geflohen, und in Forks hatte sie Jahr für Jahr ein paar Wochen Urlaub bei ihrem Vater machen müssen, bis sie 14 war. In den letzten drei Jahren hatte sich Charlie, ihr Vater, dann aufgerafft, mit ihr in Kalifornien Urlaub zu machen. Jetzt geht Isabella zurück nach Forks -- „ins Exil", wie es in Stephanie Meyers Roman Bis(s) zum Morgengrauen heißt: „und zwar mit Schrecken". Die Schrecken sind berechtigt, und das, obwohl (und gerade weil) die verschlafene Kleinstadt plötzlich einen ganz eigenartigen Zauber bekommt. Das liegt weniger an dem grünen Auto, dass Charlie Isabella schenkt und das sie trotz seines Alters gleich ins Herz schließt. Das liegt vor allem an Edward, der sie durch seine rätselhafte Art in ihren Bann zieht. Warum nur, denkt sich Isabella, lebt Edward an einem Ort, an dem die Sonne so selten scheint? Bald wird sie es erfahren. Denn Edward ist ein Vampir, der nach ihrem Blut dürstet. Aber Isabella kann nicht fliehen. Längst ist sie dem Mann bedingungslos ausgeliefert ... |
The Twilight Saga Collection Stephenie Meyer ზომა: 5,3 მბ This stunning set, complete with all four hardcover books as well as four collectible prints, makes the perfect gift for fans of the bestselling vampire love story. Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and unfinished Midnight Sun capture the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. |
Love at First Click Elizabeth Chandler ზომა: 346 კბ Publisher's Note: |
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ზომა: 19,9 მბ ჟანრი: დეტექტივი ფორმატი: PDF *სარჩევი იხილეთ სრულიადში* All nine volumes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyles works with the world's best known detective compiled in one big book. This means that you will find all sixty stories that Doyle ever wrote with Holmes as protagonist in this compilation. Save about 50% compared to the single volumes and take all the stories with you in one file. |
The Hand of the great master Konstantineh Gamsakhurdia ზომა: 792 კბ ჟანრი: რომანი, ისტორიული, დრამა ფორმატი: PDF კონსტანტინე გამსახურდიას "დიდოსტატის მარჯვენა"-ს ინგლისური ვერსია |
Les Miserables Victor Hugo ზომა: 2.6 მბ ჟანრი: რომანი, კლასიკა ფორმატი: PDF In Victor Hugo’s epic story of good, evil, love and faith, the hero Jean Valjean saves the life of his nemesis, Inspector Javert. Javert had pursued him for years after Valjean steals bread to feed his family. |
Bel - Ami Guy De Maupassant ზომა: 462 კბ ჟანრი: რომანი, კლასიკა ფორმატი: PDF Maupassant's second novel, Bel-Ami (1885), is the story of a ruthlessly ambitious young man (Georges Duroy, christened 'Bel-Ami' by his female admirers) making it to the top in fin-de-siecle Paris. It is a novel about money, sex, and power, set against the background of the politics of the French colonization of North Africa. It explores the dynamics of an urban society uncomfortably close to our own and is a devastating satire of the sleaziness of contemporary journalism. |