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მთავარი » წიგნები » ენის მიხედვით |
წიგნებია რაოდენობა:: 51 ნაჩვენებია : 31-40 |
გვერდები: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 » |
The Magicians Lev Grossman ზომა: 493კ ჟანრი: ფანტასტიკა, sci-fi ფორმატი: LIT Quentin Coldwater is brilliant but miserable. He's a senior in high school, and a certifiable genius, but he's still secretly obsessed with a series of fantasy novels he read as a kid, about the adventures of five children in a magical land called Fillory. Compared to that, anything in his real life just seems gray and colorless. |
The Gun Seller Hugh Laurie ზომა: 734კ ჟანრი: რომანი, ტრილერი, იუმორი ფორმატი: PDF
The Gun Seller tells the story of retired Army officer Thomas Lang, who lives a somewhat hand-to-mouth existence in London, his attention focused mainly on drinking whisky and driving his motorcycle. His income stems from a variety of bodyguard, strongarm and mercenary jobs he undertakes, utilizing the skills he learned and contacts he made during his time in the army. |
Sahara Clive Cussler ზომა: 1,2მ ჟანრი: რომანი, სათავგადასავლო ფორმატი: LIT This is one of NUMA agent Dirk Pitt's most exciting adventures, he travels to the Sahara in search of an old ironclad from Civil War times. Along the way he encounters a stunning woman who tells him of a plague affecting local residents. The plot twists as Dirk finds a corporation is behind the illnesses and a growing red algae outbreak. He tries to thwart them and meanwhile finds a mysterious airplane in the desert that turns out to be part of legend. Dirk and his gang of NUMA scientists daringly try to find a way to save the local people, find the lost ship and get out of Africa alive. |
The Witch of Portobello Paulo Coelho ზომა: 588კ ჟანრი: რომანი, ფანტასტიკა, teen ფორმატი: PDF
As the book begins, Athena is dead. How she ended up that way creates the intrigue sustaining the book.[2] The child, Sherine Khalil renames herself Athena. As a child, she shows a strong religious vocation and reports seeing angels and saints, which both impresses and worries her parents. |
The Valkyries Paulo Coelho ზომა: 337კ ჟანრი: რომ,ანი, სათავგადასავლო ფორმატი: PDF The plot involved Paulo going to the Mojave desert to meet "the Valkyries" themselves, a group of warrior women who travel the desert on motorcycles. |
The Pilgrimage Paulo Coelho ზომა: 706კ ჟანრი: ფილოსოფია, სათავგადასავლო ფორმატი: PDF The book starts as he fails his initiation into the order Regnus Agnus Mundi (RAM) and is then told he must complete the pilgrimage to gain the right of admission. He begins his journey with a guide, also a member of RAM, who goes by the alias Petrus. During the journey Petrus shows him meditation exercises and introduces him to some of the more down-to-earth elements of Western mystical thought and philosophy. |
The Fifth Mountain Paulo Coelho ზომა: 462 კ ჟანრი: ფილოსოფია, რელიგიული ფორმატი: PDF The novel is a powerful metaphor of human self-confidence and strong desire for self-fulfillment by helping other humans. The protagonist finds ultimately the strength to overcome all misfortunes in himself - in his deeply human desire to help the others and to be creative. And he finds out that God is in his own heart. For a considerable portion of the story Elijah is very compliant, obeying everything God's angels say. Eventually he realizes that his destiny is not being chosen by him but by God. Ultimately he decides to do go by his own desires and will. In this way Coelho suggests that Elijah was able to reach an ultimate level of spiritual awareness and have the most powerful relationship with God. |
The Zahir Paulo Coelho ზომა: 590კ ჟანრი: რომანი ფორმატი: PDF The Zahir means 'the obvious' or 'unable to go unnoticed' in Arabic. The story revolves around the narrator, a bestselling novelist, and his search for his missing wife, Esther. He enjoys all the privileges that money and celebrity bring. He is suspected of foul play by the authorities and the press of having a role to play in the inexplicable disappearance of his wife from their Paris home. |
Stories for Parents, Children and Grandchildren Paulo Coelho ზომა: 771კ ჟანრი: მოთხრობები ფორმატი: PDF Description: Short stories |
მოთხრობები ლეო ქიაჩელი
ზომა: 1,9 მ - 2 ნაწილი ჟანრი: მოთხრობები, ქართული პროზა ფორმატი: PDF შეიცავს: ჰაკი აძბა; თავადის ქალი მაია; ალმასგირ კიბულან; ჯიუტი; დახურული წარმოდგენა; სიზმარი და სინამდვილე; წარსული აწმყოში; ESCALADE; რაც იყო და არ იყო; სისხლი. |