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  Biss zum Morgengrauen

   Stephanie Meyer

 ზომა: 1,7 mb

  ჟანრი: რომანი, teen, sci-fi

  ფორმატი: PDF

  ენა: გერმანული

Eigentlich ist Isabella Swan nur ungern nach Forks zurückgekommen. In der verregneten US-Kleinstadt scheint nur selten die Sonne, das Leben ist langweilig -- und der Ort steht eigentlich für eine Zeit, die sie hinter sich zu lassen gehofft hatte. Aus Forks war ihre Mutter mit ihr als Säugling ins geliebte Phoenix geflohen, und in Forks hatte sie Jahr für Jahr ein paar Wochen Urlaub bei ihrem Vater machen müssen, bis sie 14 war. In den letzten drei Jahren hatte sich Charlie, ihr Vater, dann aufgerafft, mit ihr in Kalifornien Urlaub zu machen. Jetzt geht Isabella zurück nach Forks -- „ins Exil", wie es in Stephanie Meyers Roman Bis(s) zum Morgengrauen heißt: „und zwar mit Schrecken".
Die Schrecken sind berechtigt, und das, obwohl (und gerade weil) die verschlafene Kleinstadt plötzlich einen ganz eigenartigen Zauber bekommt. Das liegt weniger an dem grünen Auto, dass Charlie Isabella schenkt und das sie trotz seines Alters gleich ins Herz schließt. Das liegt vor allem an Edward, der sie durch seine rätselhafte Art in ihren Bann zieht. Warum nur, denkt sich Isabella, lebt Edward an einem Ort, an dem die Sonne so selten scheint? Bald wird sie es erfahren. Denn Edward ist ein Vampir, der nach ihrem Blut dürstet. Aber Isabella kann nicht fliehen. Längst ist sie dem Mann bedingungslos ausgeliefert ...
რომანი | ნანახია: 2915 | რამოტვირთვები: 3 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2011-01-10 | კომენტარი (1)

 The Twilight Saga Collection

 Stephenie Meyer

 ზომა: 5,3 მბ

  ჟანრი: რომანი, teen, sci-fi

  ფორმატი: PDF

This stunning set, complete with all four hardcover books as well as four collectible prints, makes the perfect gift for fans of the bestselling vampire love story. Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and unfinished Midnight Sun capture the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires.

რომანი | ნანახია: 4274 | რამოტვირთვები: 25 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2011-01-10 | კომენტარი (6)

 The Dark Divine

 Bree Despain

 ზომა: 601 კ

 ჟანრი: რომანი, ფანტასტიკა, teen, sci-fi

 ფორმატი: PDF

 Sixteen-year-old Grace Divine is pastor’s daughter has heard every joke possible about her name. But her family practices what her father preaches: community, caring, forgiveness, including taking in neighbor’s abused child raising him as ir own. 

რომანი | ნანახია: 1772 | რამოტვირთვები: 14 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-08-30 | კომენტარი (0)

  The Short Second Life of Bree  Tanner

 Stephenie Meyer

 ზომა: 419 კ

 ჟანრი: რომანი, teen, sci-fi

 ფორმატი: DOC

 Fans of The Twilight Saga will be enthralled by this riveting story of Bree Tanner, a character first introduced in Eclipse, and the darker side of the newborn vampire world she inhabits. In another irresistible combination of danger, mystery, and romance, Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of Bree and the newborn army as they prepare to close in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforgettable conclusion. 

რომანი | ნანახია: 2297 | რამოტვირთვები: 9 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-08-18 | კომენტარი (2)


 Maggie Stiefvater

 The Wolves of Mercy Falls Trilogy - book 2

 ზომა:  1.18 MBs

 ჟანრი: რომანი, ფანტასტიკა,  sci-fi

 ფორმატი: PDF

 Sam, who spent most his life as werewolf, has undergone an unlikely cure no longer transitions between fur skin as temperature changes from cold hot. This should be happy time Sam true-love Grace, but just he begins trust his new human life, Grace feels her humanity slipping away.  (book trailer included)

რომანი | ნანახია: 1792 | რამოტვირთვები: 3 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-08-04 | კომენტარი (0)


 Maggie Stiefvater

 The Wolves of Mercy Falls Trilogy - book 1

 ზომა:  2.36 MBs

 ჟანრი: რომანი, ფანტასტიკა sci-fi

 ფორმატი: PDF

 Grace, 17, loves peace tranquility of woods behind her home. It here during cold winter months that she gets see her wolf—the one with yellow eyes. Grace sure that he saved her from an attack by other wolves when she was nine. Over ensuing years he has returned each season, watching her those haunting eyes if longing something happen. (book trailer included)

რომანი | ნანახია: 1645 | რამოტვირთვები: 3 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-08-04 | კომენტარი (0)

 The Girlfriend curse

 Valerie Frankel

  ზომა: 925.45 KBs

 ჟანრი: რომანი, adult, sci-fi

 ფორმატი: PDF

 It’s uncanny! Within six months breaking up her, Peg Silver’s ex-lovers always meet marry women of ir dreams. Even worse than being eternal bridesmaid, she’s last girlfriend, one who awakens in guy knowledge what he’s always wanted in relationship …

რომანი | ნანახია: 1802 | რამოტვირთვები: 8 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-08-04 | კომენტარი (4)

 Succubus Dreams

Richelle Mead

 Georgina Kincaid series - book 3

 ზომა: 590კ

 ჟანრი: რომანი, sci-fi, adult

 ფორმატი: PDF

 Some days, a girl just can't catch a break...

…especially when the girl in question is Georgina Kincaid, a shape-shifting succubus who gets her energy from seducing men. First there’s her relationship with gorgeous bestselling writer Seth Mortensen, which is unsatisfying on a number of levels. It’s not just that they can’t have sex in case Georgina inadvertently kills him (generally a turn-off for most guys). Lately, even spending time together is a challenge. Seth's obsessed with finishing his latest novel, and Georgina's under demonic orders to mentor the new (and surprisingly inept) succubus on the block.

რომანი | ნანახია: 1781 | რამოტვირთვები: 4 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-07-02 | კომენტარი (3)

 Succubus on Top

 Richelle Mead

 Georgina Kincaid series - book 2

 ზომა: 400 კ

 ჟანრი: რომანი, sci-fi, adult

 ფორმატი: LIT

 Georgina Kincaid's job sucks. Literally.

 Love hurts, and no one knows it better than Georgina Kincaid. If she so much as kisses her new boyfriend, she’ll drain his life force. Georgina is a succubus—a demon who draws her power from other men’s pleasure. Admittedly, the shapeshifting and immortality perks are terrific, and yes, Georgina did choose to join the ranks of hell centuries ago. But it seems completely unfair that a she-demon whose purpose is seduction can’t get hot and heavy with the one mortal who knows and accepts her for who she is.

რომანი | ნანახია: 1490 | რამოტვირთვები: 3 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-07-02 | კომენტარი (0)

 Succubus Blues

 Richelle Mead

 Georgina Kincaid series - book 1

 ზომა: 370კ

 ჟანრი: რომანი, sci-fi, adult

 ფორმატი: LIT

 When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants. The wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they often pay with their souls, but why get technical?

But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid’s life is far less exotic. Her boss is a middle-management demon with a thing for John Cusack movies. Her immortal best friends haven’t stopped teasing her about the time she shape-shifted into the Demon Goddess get-up complete with whip and wings. And she can’t have a decent date without sucking away part of the guy’s life. At least there’s her day job at a local bookstore—free books, all the white chocolate mochas she can drink, and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can’t.

რომანი | ნანახია: 1852 | რამოტვირთვები: 5 | დაამატა: Liku | თარიღი: 2010-07-02 | კომენტარი (1)

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